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Come Travel with Me!

Updated: Dec 7, 2020

Hi Everyone! First, I would like to thank you for traveling with me on my new journey! I hope to stop by regularly to talk about my adventures in traveling with my family! Being that this is a 'travel' blog I wanted to say what traveling is to me. Traveling is all about experiences. I don't have to get on an airplane or drive hours in a car to travel or go on vacation. Especially in the midst of 2020, the days of the 'Staycation' have more meaning. Don't get me wrong, I can't wait to be able to travel to a destination again without having to think about quarantine, but it has made me appreciate enjoying things locally.

Traveling as a family is extremely special to me. Before I met my husband and we had our two girls I was lucky to have opportunities to travel with my parents and brother. When I was young we took many vacations. Some of my vacations include 2 week stints in the mini van across the country to multiple National Parks, a cruise to Alaska with a train ride to Denali , my first scuba dive in Curacao, and a two week bus trip all over Italy. My parents even let me travel across the world in Australia for a whole month while in college. Each of these vacations has created many memories and inside jokes (I still don't let my older brother forget that I got a gold metal when I beat him in basketball on the cruise!)

Since meeting my husband, Andrew, and having our two girls we try to travel often. While we live in Pennsylvania, my husband's whole family lives in Texas; therefore, we visit the Houston area multiple times a year. We also try to get away as a (often extended) family at least once a year. Lately, these trips have been to the Orlando area for a variety of reasons-which I will explore in a future blog!

Thank you all again for joining me on this new adventure! I look forward to sharing my personal experiences with you and if you want to make some memories with your family reach out and let me help you!

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